VCA Course and exam – Group Archives - VCAEdu

Online preparation for the official exam with the VCA EDU platform

E-Learning - VCA offer for companies

Courses and mock exams.
E-learning for companies and groups

Do you manage a group of employees? Do you want to register a group of people for the VCA exam and do you want to be well prepared? If you want to be sure that your employees and your team will prepare well for the exam and gain the necessary knowledge in the field of VCA, choose an online preparation. Thanks to this form of learning, you can control the team’s progress and enable its members to learn in a safe and comfortable environment. The only requirement to use the platform is a device with an internet connection.

Online VCA courses: e-learning. Packages for companies and groups.

Basis VCA online mock exams. Packages for companies and groups.

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VCA: e-learning. Packages for individuals.

Easily manage your team VCA exam preparation

Courses and mock exams: e-learning.

Online course and mock exams (e-learning) is an ideal solution for group managers, owners of companies and institutions. If you need to train your employees regularly or you have a larger group of people at one time, online learning with VCA EDu is the perfect choice.

By selecting products from the business offer, you add them to the Group Leader’s management panel. From there, you can easily control who, when, and how quickly prepares for the VCA exam. By purchasing several access rights, you can also get a more attractive price than when buying individually.

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